
Showing posts from December, 2012

Prayer is Ultimate Way to Solve All Problems

I feel great comfort when I read the gospels and notice that Jesus faced the same dilemma as us when prayers seemed to be left unanswered. He spent all night praying before he chose the twelve disciples, and even so, one of them turned out to be a traitor. In Gethsemane, Jesus prayed Matt 26:39a "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me." Was the cup of suffering taken away from Jesus? Of course not. Jesus' prayers sometimes seemed unanswered, just like our prayers seem sometimes see to go unanswered. However, look at Jesus' prayer again in Matthew 26:39, but this time look at the second part of His prayer "Yet not as I will, but as you will." Wow! This is real trust! Jesus did not want His will to be done, but that God's will be done. In other words, prayer was for Jesus a way to converse with His Heavenly Father, a way where He could openly commune with His Father and where His Father would share with Him His will. Shouldn't ou...