Why should young people be engaged in politics

Politics can often feel like something which is far removed from everyday life, and something which most young people don’t easily relate to. It’s very much about engaging young people to enable them to make positive decisions for themselves as well as giving them the skills to be able to interact positively with the world around them. So inevitably, the issues that most affect them in their daily lives will be discussed and addressed in the course of youth being involved in politics . The issues that most affect people in their daily lives are precisely what make up politics. And different parties with different world views feel that they have the answers to how they can solve the problems of the day. So encouraging young people to engage in politics is about giving them a voice, and helping them to understand and debate problems and issues which are important to them and their families.
Bringing young people into the process early and getting adults and youth to agree on some first steps to build their communication and collaboration will help create the foundation of a sustainable effort.
Youth should participate as much as possible in the decision making and should have the right to vote and hold leadership positions.
Young people are much more likely to contribute when their contributions are taken seriously.
Be realistic in setting expectations. Some adults may be frustrated by the time and effort needed to integrate young people fully into the network. Be honest about your expectations for the project, the young people's contributions, and the network's benefit from youth participation. Trying to do too much at once may disappoint or frustrate everyone.


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