The political situation in Zimbabwe  is paralyzed. It is sick and needs resurgence. How dysfunctional our political institutions have become and the systemic failures across board are difficult to fathom. Enormous arrogance and greed across politically as well as parastatal institutions leave  much to be desired. Arrogance surely is neither a virtue nor greed in politics.There is growing evidence that emphasizes a third force movement in Zimbabwe politics. Yes, a Third force because a number of factors are contributing to the resurgence of a third force. The performance of the main political parties is a decline while the future electoral prospect for a third political force is not in doubt.Third Force cannot simply be a vehicle focused on electoral politics/elections;   Third Force must be multifaceted with the capacity to utilize community organizing, campaigns around issues affecting the generality of Zimbabwe, and policy advocacy to advance a vision/mission and agenda for transformative change. It must devise mechanisms to endorse candidates running as independents. 

Third Force must place a premium on participatory processes that build solid relationships with people through engagement with them on issues and struggles that affect their daily lives: conducting civic education forums and workshops; training community organizers and candidates for public office; engaging people and constituencies in community conventions and assemblies to establish political agendas.

The main opposition party is bogged down with internal party strife, and the electorate has lost confidence in it  while the other subdued political parties are seemingly not up to the task; summarily dismissive as being disjointed, disorganized, semi-structured and not convincing enough to attract votes.
Here in therefore lies the argument for the proposed need for a third force,

The third force is critical and timely. The third force is necessary because our politics is not benefiting Zimbabwe ; competent people are sitting on the fence, while seasoned politicians who have mastered the art are ruling with such dexterous callousness, incompetence, thievery, and greed, all to the disadvantage of Zimbabweans  who they are supposed to serve. Since when did politics become a profession? Politics must be seen as a call to service and not the other way around, being an avenue for money making. Recent utterance by one senior member of the Main opposition party in Zimbabwe leaves a lot to be desired . Such utterance cannot be expected from a senior member of the party .
Carefully reflecting on these neo-bred politicians, I wonder if they really have the mantra of country first.  Zimbabweans  are yet to see the dividends of the party politics that they signed up for.     
  Listed below  is what the third force must provide.
 The philosophy of a third force movement is that it must have a character of a movement drawn from well-meaning Zimbabweans  with a burden for change towards nation and state building.  The character must emphasize inclusion of individuals who have demonstrable attributes deemed as the ideals for nation building including: integrity, competence, loyalty to Zimbabwe , visionary, forward looking thinkers, creative minds, unflinching commitment to the nation etc.
The Third force must have a clear agenda and clarity of purpose for nation building, and harnessing youth potential, using our natural resources  to benefit Zimbabweans , inclusive growth and attack on corruption.
The agenda for Third Force should focus on the following
  • Transforming the economy to a knowledge based economy
  • Transforming the agricultural sector
  • Transforming the education sector to unlock the human potential required for innovation, technology and manufacturing.
  • Transforming the public sector to rid it of corruption
The third force must appeal to political parties with members drawn from same and ordinary Zimbabweans  in a form of mobilized movement of like minds to steer Zimbabwe  towards nation building.

My personal analysis.
Itayi Tawona is a human rights activist and can be contacted on ; +263772913155 , 

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